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Bring your creativity to life…

From 2006 as an artist exploring different ways of art, an important part of my journey was realizing which way my inspiration and creativity will go. After many years of learning different things, going through hard work in factories, working as a chef in restaurants and hotels, I prove myself when I’m strong enough to start building my way to success. I learn not to give up when it’s hardest, put my head up and push forward, avoid negativity around me and make it happen … Stand up for yourself and make remarkable moments.  
We are our life Architects.

About Arnis Greitans

I am passionate about creating things because art world has never been one direction to me. Being an artist is for me not only useful for working with painting or with interior design, but also my love goes to introducing different people, colleagues, friends and family with magnificent design, creativity, delicious desserts and showing them a little taste of dreams.

I am proud to show the world a little bit of inner me through my art …


The heart of human excellence often begins to beat when you discover a pursuit that absorb you, frees you , challanges you, or gives you sense of meaning, joy, or passion. We are meant for the complicated journeys of tenderness, wisdom and learning. All of it.

Explore. Create. Inspire