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About me

Hi, I'm Arnis Greitans

I am interior, fashion designer and here is my story

I am passionate about creating things because art world has never been one direction to me. Being an artist is for me not only useful for working with painting or with interior design, but also my love goes to introducing different people, colleagues, friends and family with magnificent design, creativity, delicious desserts and showing them a little taste of dreams.

I am proud to show the world a little bit of inner me through my art …

An unexpected journey to creativity and art

After finishing interior and fashion design studies, I pursued careers working as a chef, waiter, barman, and factory employee, working day-and-night shifts. I also worked on some interior design projects, but my heart would always end up in the World of Art. Any kind of Art: painting, food design, deserts, dancing art, photography and similar. Somehow, I had never stayed committed to these skills., until one day, a person that believed in me more than I did, pushed me to explore the world of painting. I listen, I begun, I saw my talent, and then my passion for painting has completely taken me over. Entering this beautiful world evoked in me new feelings, creativity, new dreams, new goals, peace of mind, joy and a lots fun.  

I painted, I draw, start developing new styles, new ideas and very quickly I grow my skills from a beginners level to a pro. In couple of years, my art start getting publicity and for the first time in my life my talent and work was seen outside of my friends and family group. People start asking me to paint for them, put their own ideas into reality. And it happened, my paintings made a few homes a better place, also internationally. All this was new to me but it gave me extra confidence and boost for having bigger dreams and setting higher goals.  

Of course, life is not all about roses and pink clouds, so along with exploring my hidden talent and skills I have day-to-day job. Life decided to show me its teeth; changed various jobs and houses; moved a few times but successfully managed to stay in Amsterdam. Nevertheless, I never gave up on my dreams and start investing. Boosted publicity via social media channels, friends and acquaintances; and finally decided to go next level and create my own (personally designed) webpage.  

Check it further now; Enjoy! I know I do 😉 


Primary school was the point in my life when I had to make a choice which way I would like to follow and what I would like to do in my life. In 2007 I start my studies at RMMT as an interior designer. 

That was the moment in my life when I knew that I would like to connect my life with art and design and that here my future begins. 

Year by year, during the study I start exploring every single way of art, and fell in love with it. 


A few years ago I had the possibility to explore the event world, where I found a passion for new art, Photo Art. And in a short time by sharing the photos with the organizations and via their platform I start getting excellent reviews about my photos, professionalism, style and quality. Photography gave me the possibility to explore people, where each of us is special on our unique way. See things that not everyone can see and feel. Captured perfect moments of the events and performers.

It was clear to me, my new passion has been born; passion for Photography, and I am doing it ever since. In a short time, I released my Instagram and Facebook photo page too. 

Chef and baker

Creating delicious meals, desserts and other food is a hobby that has always been in my family for generations. Creativity has never been challenge for me. Year by year growing knowledge in cooking and food design I learn how to make from simple ingredients marvelously designed pieces of food. My intention is never to only create the best product but bring the people around me, friends and family closer to the world of taste. 


Performing in front of a live audience to me means exploring Stage Art. Learn to be brave enough to go out there and express emotions, feel the room from a different angle and show the audience my story through dancing. 

No matter which kind of art you do, you have to be strong enough to prove yourself when your ability to go for what you really want, work hard for it and definitely reach it. 


Every piece of art I worked with has always been new way to explore more about World of Art.

Driven by an interest in fashion in 2016 I took Interior design studies, to explore one of the biggest art industries and learn all about the structure of fashion, the way how to create it with my own hands, and find my own style. 

All way to the art

From 2006 as an artist exploring different ways of art, an important part of my journey was realizing which way my inspiration and creativity will go. After many years of learning different things, going through hard work in factories, working as a chef in restaurants and hotels, I prove myself when I’m strong enough to start building my way to success. I learn not to give up when it’s hardest, put my head up and push forward, avoid negativity around me and make it happen … Stand up for yourself and make remarkable moments. 

We are our life Architects.

And as an artist and creative enterpreneur has guided me toward a few core beliefs that inform everything I do, create :


We are meant for the complicated journeys of tenderness, wisdom and learning. All of it.


The heart of human excellence often begins to beat when you discover a pursuit that absorb you, frees you , challanges you, or gives you sense of meaning, joy, or passion

Self care

Be you, love you is an essential and worthy practice for our creative hearts. Its how we receive our creativity and inspiration.


Both on and off the canvas – is a healing force. Thats allows us to embrace, tell, show our own stories in different ways.


Our thoughts and imagination are the only real limits to our possibilities.










Especially self-kindness – changes everything.