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Arnis Greitans Nederland, Amsterdam

Made with Oil paints. Painting is inspired by wild African culture. Each queen represent different tribe, different style and richness- African culture have 1 thing what excite me is colorful dresses, outfits and specila touch. 

Meaning of this set of paints are

Green represent ground and nature

Blue represents water and air

Orange one represent fire, sun and desert.

Date: 2021, September
Name: 3 African queens

Size: 3 canvas by 400*500

frames included- silver 

I Don't choose style, Style choose me

The heart of human excellence
often begins to beat when you
discover a pursuit that absorb
you, frees you , challanges you,
or gives you sense of meaning,
joy, or passion. We are meant for the
complicated journeys
of tenderness, wisdom
and learning. All of it.

Explore. Inspire. Create