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Arnis Greitans Nederland, Amsterdam

  Made by Oil paints. Paints made it by special order by costumer. Paint is as accent on background. Four season collection made by 4 different colors for each season.  

*Spring in pink as nature wake up. Bringing beautiful colors all around

*Summer symbolized by green as greenest season of the year.

*Autumn Symbolized as Red and Yellow colors. Colors what brings beautiful outfit for every single tree, flowers and landscapes.

*Winter symbolized as White and Blue. Colors of snow , blanket what covers all Nord  side of Globe for couple months of year.

Date: 2018, November
Name: Four seasons ”2”

Size: combination by 4 different size of paints 





I Don't choose style, Style choose me

The heart of human excellence
often begins to beat when you
discover a pursuit that absorb
you, frees you , challanges you,
or gives you sense of meaning,
joy, or passion. We are meant for the
complicated journeys
of tenderness, wisdom
and learning. All of it.

Explore. Inspire. Create