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Arnis Greitans Nederland, Amsterdam

  Made by Oil paints. Paint is made it by inspired from Marilyn Monroe. Hers way of living life is impressive.  Energy, power. She was inspiration to make hers photo in hers color- Red as hers lips, passionate as hers nature. 

Paint is made it by different textures , visible line style , with 3D elements. And most interesting at night she brings hers reality in life. shadows on light background brings hers realness. 

Date: 2020, May
Name: Marilyn Monroe

Size: 700*1400

I Don't choose style, Style choose me

The heart of human excellence
often begins to beat when you
discover a pursuit that absorb
you, frees you , challanges you,
or gives you sense of meaning,
joy, or passion. We are meant for the
complicated journeys
of tenderness, wisdom
and learning. All of it.

Explore. Inspire. Create